Temperature control and a bit of humidity can't hurt!
In the past, growing plants under domes hasn't worked that well for me.
The climate inside tends to be too moist.
Self-confessed hoverers tend to over-water?
Condensation is generally excessive.
I looked at 2 trays side-by-side on the shelf the other day and realized Tiger Trail babies under a vented dome were growing faster than than those in open air.
I went and found an extra dome for the tray without one. I do have the ends propped open with clothespins for maximum venting.
And I'm trying hard to resist watering too much!
Temperatures are below seasonably cold right now and the wood stove gives the thermostat a false sense of what's "warm enough" for the rest of the house.
I'm stubbornly nurturing ALL of these as treasured prizes and ignoring the "limit your collection" resolution for this variety.
Never mind pointing out how big they'll get!
The cream colored variegation seems to holding well for the ones that started that way. The pink tinged ones seem to be consistent as well.
I like them all!
I think I put one in a box I was packing to send home with Sara after Christmas.
And then I took it back. How stingy?!
Nobody asked me, but ...
The latest issue of AVSA's magazine is out.People are putting it down asking for hugs it's that depressing.
It was probably not by design that so many of the articles are about dead plants or terminal AV diseases that there's no cure for.
It's the dead of winter for many of us.
A little Hope & Hurry up Spring would have gone a long way to lift the spirits!
Even the lady who took over the Miniature column showcased what she called "mistakes".
I'm sorry... those are some seriously neglected plants.
The Thinking Small column was always my favorite of the magazine when written by Pat Richards.
Small Talk seems to suffer from "it's all been said before" syndrome.
Or "confession is good for the soul"? (For goodness sake... snap out of it!)
Over fertilized, over watered or over zealous repotting. OR all 3!
I'm letting it bloom and trying to ignore how I crapped it up so fast.
Mickey Mouse (H. Inpijn) Double dark blue. Dark green, pointed/red back. Miniature.
I might have gotten carried away with deciding which Mickey Mouse plantlets to keep.
So I kept all of them! Shut up.A few "Mickey Mouse" extras went into the terrarium that's been coasting along since it was blogged about here a very long time ago. (2009?) These were the "too little to bother with" plantlets that totally should have been discarded. And I would have too. Except the terrarium was nearly empty.
And they're living... for now!
One of my terrarium's biggest mistakes was using perlite in the soil and not getting around to fixing that after killing the moss that was going to hide it originally. All of the other plants have come and gone, too. Except the possible "Ming (false?) Arailia" growing in back.
It fills the jar now, but I still don't know what it is!