Looking Back
My last issue of the magazine African Violet was July-August 2014. Truth be told the final few issues I received before my membership expired went mostly unread. At about the same rate plant care went into a free fall worrying about other things.This interested me most because I just ordered it!
It arrived from Travis Violets as a baby still attached to the mama leaf. Included was a full page apology for his shipping delay and quality of plants not being up to his usual standard.
6 plants arrived including a free, fairly large gift of Rob's Slap Happy. They seem fine!
SK-Apple Orchard was the "freebie" and its uniqueness will be interesting to try growing out. Very light green leaves with the outer leaves looking almost like they are lacking something and might very well be the first to go if it thrives. The blossoms look like they came from an apple tree!
Ness Crinkle Blue is my prized treasure at the moment. 2 plants were actually sent! I set a few leaves right away of course. And one had suckers that needed plucking right away.
I stuck them in the pot to see if they live . . .
(Limit Your Collection doesn't count for this one!)